Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Think About It

That’s the purpose of this column. My feeble effort to counteract the dumbing down of America, brought on by a number of reasons; chief among which is an insidious invention we know as television. Don’t come back here unless you are willing to use your brain for something other than a parking lot for the images and colloquy visited upon you by the electric intruder. What I want to do is encourage you to meditate, contemplate and investigate. Take one hour per day from television and devote it to the library, reading current event news articles, surfing the internet, or even just an intelligent discussion. You can devise your own subjects or start with the ones I raise. Shoot, I may even try to run you to a dictionary.

OK, you are entitled to an answer. Who is this guy? I’m a retiree with time on his hands, one who is proud to have been born an American. Dare I use the word “Patriot”? I firmly believe God blessed this country through our founding fathers, and we have the ability and opportunity to make it even better. But we must change directions. We must teach respect for our Constitution. We must realize that “we the people” are the government. We cannot give ourselves something for one pocket which does not come from the other pocket, with a little lost to the bureaucrats in the transaction. We must educate ourselves before we cast our votes, and we must vote. We must realize our manifest destiny as a nation is not to rule the world, but to improve the world. We must teach that giving a hand up is not giving a handout. We must refrain from that old saying, “Let George do it.” We must be willing to get involved. Whether you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative, I’ll make you angry before it’s over. But let’s hope we can disagree without becoming disagreeable.

My old granddaddy once said, “It is better to be a has-been than a never-was.” That perfectly describes me. My previous incarnations include Certified Financial Planner, stockbroker, Realtor, Insuror, Legislator, refrigerator salesman and super market produce clerk.

Today, I could best be described as a strict constructionist, fiscally conservative, socially moderate, evangelical Christian, good-looking senior citizen. It is now my wife’s duty to keep me up in the manner to which I have become accustomed. But, darn her hide, she still makes me cut the grass, rake the leaves and take out the garbage. Thank goodness, though, she does feed me well, and she loves me, in spite of myself.

Seriously, I love this country for the principles upon which it was founded, and the unlimited opportunity it provides. The men who framed our Constitution were geniuses. May we never forget they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish and bequeath us this great nation. Should not we do no less for our heirs? Meet me back here and we will discuss it. We will try to present ideas in simple, concise, easy to understand language. Agree with me, disagree with me, quote me, laugh at me, mock me, even prove me wrong (God forbid). But if I get you to thinking, I won.

1 comment:

amo said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Mr. Warren, and God bless.